
Monday, October 31, 2011

HSEB English Class 12 ( Part 1)

Summaries of:
3. The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner
4. Two Long-Term Problems:  Too Many People, Too Few Trees
5. Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies
6. A Hurried Trip to avoid a bad star
7. Traveling Through the Dark
8. A Story
9. The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship
10. God’s Grandeur
12. Women’s Business
13. The Children Who Wait
14. A Child is Born

In this poem, “The Grandmother,” Bear concentrates on his grandmother. The poem can be read both literally and metaphorically[1]. Literally, he draws a picture of his all-loving and all-inspiring grandmother, and metaphorically, the poet tries to reflect upon the vanished[2] communities of Native American tribes in general and the Mesquaki tribe in particular. Ray Young. Bear, draws a realistic picture of his grandmother, all-loving, all-inspiring and remember

Saturday, October 22, 2011

HSEB English Class 11 ( UNIT 5 & 6 Summary)

Unit 5::Identity, Gender And Ethnicity
In the play the major character Malini is the princess of Kashi, who is practicing Buddhism as taught by Buddhist monks but as the Kingdom is dominated by Hindu majority, the Brahmins demands the banishment of princess ,whom they think as a threaten to their ancient religion.
The Brahmins are lead by Kamankar who is radical Hindu. Kemankar has a friend name Supriya. Supriya is also a Brahmin but he is a liberal man and oppose the banishment of an innocent girl like Malini. When other Brahmin are drawn towards Malini fate, Kemankar tries to seek the help of the foreign soldiers to protect Hinduism. In the mean time when Kemankar is away from the state ,Supriya too is attracted by Malini's fate. Supriya helps the king to capture Kemankar ,But when Kemankar is bought to the palace he kills supriya also accepts his own death .The play ends with Malini pleading to King to forgive Kemankar.
Throughout the play Malini is the symbol of the love who wants to protect Kemankar life even though Kemankar desperately wants her banishment where as Kemankar has radical Hindu belief who even goes to the extent of Killing his own friend and accepting his own death in the name of religion. Supriya though he is a Hindu by birth but he can accept change in his religious beliefs.

HSEB English Class 11 ( UNIT 3 & 4 Summary)

Unit 3::Ecology And Environment
The Poplar Field
The poem urges us to protect nature. In the poem the poet express his personal emotion and feeling with nostalgic tone. The poet used to enjoy among the poplar trees in the past but now as the tree has been cut down the poet doesn't get any cool shade and melodious song of the wind. The wind no longer plays and sing in the leaves of poplar trees because the tree is no longer exist also the poet could no longer see the reflection of poplar trees in the water of Ouse river .Here, the tone of the poet is nostalgic.
His nostalgic tone continuous even in the second or third stanzas. Twelve year before the poet used to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the poplar field. He used to sit under the cool shade of the trees but now as the trees are laid down on the grass he sits on their logs. Once he used to hear the sweet song of the blackbirds but now they have flown away for another shelter.
The poet years are passing very quickly and one day he will have to die and lie in his grave but by then other poplar trees will not have grown in the place of the dead trees because it takes a longtime for the new trees to grow .Here the poet images himself dying and lying on his grave. He means that he has to die before another such groove of poplar trees grow in the place of the dead ones.

HSEB English Class 11 ( UNIT 2 Summary)

Unit 2::Men, Women And Children
My Heart Leaps up and when I behold
Notable for love of nature and simple language of poetry, William Wordsworth explores poetry as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and emotions recollected in tranquility. Thus the poet here projects his poetry philosophy as a trial when he happens to have a glimpse and recollects the joyful moment of the rainbow and his own experiences of childhood days with a meaningful conclusion.
The speaker in the poem happens to view the rainbow in the sky. All of a sudden he feels great sensations in the form of happiness. He after that realizes the existence of the rainbow in the past, at present and so in the future .Mean while he concludes that the existence of rainbow of human beings is only possible in the existence of nature otherwise for him death is much more better than the living life. Flashing back to the glimpse of the rainbow, he in no time gets back to his childhood memories, and synthesizes the childish feelings and the emotion with the fusion of intellect as the child is the father of man and deep respect for nature.

HSEB English Class 11 ( UNIT 1 Summary)

Unit 1::Stories of the Supernatural 
The main character of this story, Kimberly Clerk, lives in London. She is a beautiful, young girl of 25 years old. Also she has a good position in her company and earns a handsome amount of money.
But Kim has a problem. she has a problem of Recurring Dream. She sees a mysterious dream night after night.  In her Dream she sees a person and place which are completely unknown to her. Her strange Dream always starts on a country road. Kim always stands on this road and she sees a lane with a white fence and a white hedge on both each side. At the end of that lane, on the top of the hill, Kim sees a beautiful white house with green shutters. In her dream, Kim walks up the lane and towards the house, reaches the house and enters the house. Then, She looks around and in one of the rooms, she finds a man sleeping on the bed. That man is a little old man with white hair and white beard. When Kim comes near to his bead, that old man wakes up and looks at her. When Kim opens her mouth to speak to him, She suddenly wakes up in her own bed in London.